I love fresh food and naturally grown food that is chemical free and as organic as it possibly could be. The words local produce send me into shivers and quivers of delight. Nothing beats the taste of real fresh food. Nothing. It’s so funny though as once upon a time I was The Queen of Fast food Drive thru’s and eating out at restaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Having said all that I am not a foodie, I do not go to the best flashy restaurants and there are days when I love nothing better than eating baked beans straight out of a tin.
Since I’ve been with The Husband we love nothing better than hanging out in the kitchen and cooking together. We have come up with a few concoctions that probably sound ghastly but damn taste soooo good!
So off to Milawa we went and I was like a 5 year filled with excitement and joy to one – be going away for a weekend with my soul mate and two - eating fresh yummy food. I think I drove The Husband nuts as I kept asking him over and over and over again “If we were there yet”. As soon as I saw the huge sign reading: Milawa Gourmet Region I almost wet myself out of excitement.
The first place we stopped at, okay let me rephrase that, The Husband tried to park the car whilst I jumped out of a moving vehicle, had bags of Australian freshly picked garlic and you could honestly smell the garlic from 10 feet away. Almost every little shop we went into the poor husband was pulling out his wallet and paying for my purchases. The entire town just smelt like heaven. The aromas drifting out of these shops were out of this world.
My favourite places were Milawa Mustards (www.milawamustard.com.au) and The Milawa Cheese Factory (www.milawacheese.com.au) we spent ages in both these stores and tasted the most divine mustards and cheeses. I think I put on at least 5 kilos just from taste testing everything. By far though Milawa Mustard was out of this world! Almost every dinner party that The Husband and I have had has some dish laced with one of the many flavours of mustard.
They have your standard plain mustard, mild honey, sage, rosemary, tarragon, garlic, dill and lemon, bourbon (to die for), orange and ginger, hot honey, balsamic, French style, oriental (the most sexiest tasting mustard), three seed and a ton more different flavours.
We are soon to visit Milawa again but this time we are taking our friends who drive a mini-bus as we plan on literally buying a shitload of cheese, bread, mustard, olives, wines and so forth. Our plan is to go away for 4 days, go winery hopping, go shopping and tasting new flavours and fill the car up with all our purchased goods. I am so excited to be going back.
If you are a Victorian reader and want to experience the flavours of the North East Region I highly recommend that you get yourselves to Milawa. It’s the most gorgeous little town filled with the best food and wineries.
So with that I think my boring chicken schnitzel needs some honey mustard smothered on it!
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