The Husband has this tendency of having a shower and then casually strolling into our lounge room buck naked and asking me if he should “wear this to work tomorrow?” Whilst his hand is permanently fixed to his appendage and his appendage’s friends aka- his balls! I never tire of him doing this as it has me in fits of giggles each and every time! But it leads me to the question that why must men always play with their fiddle?
Whilst out shopping this morning and being the avid people watcher that I am, I noticed men all handling their packages and by packages I mean their penises and their balls. I noticed that some just scratch, then there are others that tug, and others that just adjust and the freaks who do all of the above as they walk past you. Why do they feel the need to do this and in public? Why?
I try to put myself in their shoes and I ask myself if my vagina were itchy in the middle of a shopping centre would I just scratch out in the open in front of thousands of people? The answer is that there is no way in hell that I would put my hand on my snatch and just scratch. I wouldn’t do it! I couldn’t do it!
My observation also found little boys from say the age of 3 just placing their hand in their pants and scratching, tugging and pulling in the middle of a busy shopping centre. I’m not a mother and have no nephews to be able to relate or understand small children but, and I’m not trying to be an uptight moron here, but aren’t you supposed to teach your child that scratching ones genitals in public is really a no-no?
I think back to my childhood growing up in my family I never ever truly saw my brother; male cousins, father, uncle or grandfathers do this. Am I sounding like I was raised with a plum in my mouth because that is the furthest from the truth! I grew up in a middle class family with some values, but I’m perplexed to say the least and I find it peculiar that some men do this! I also look at The Husband and he has never done that in public nor in front of me in our own home. And NO we aren’t some well-mannered freaks either.
Why do we as women ignore or pretend we didn’t see them playing with their dicks and balls in public? It’s such a turn off to me and I am sure that there are other women out there that think like I do.
I appreciate that in summer or hot climates that people sweat and for some men their cock and balls heat up and it gets all sticky and sweaty but aint it the same thing for us women? I know if I’m not waxed down there I too get hot and sticky and uncomfortable and when it’s the time of the month it gets even hotter down there but you don’t see us tugging at our period pads or our underwear. Right?
I can also understand and appreciate that if you have an insatiable itch and you need to scratch and scratch it immediately to get some relief you have to scratch and its hard to ignore as you want some relief, but if my boob or vagina were itchy I would quickly stroll to the ladies room and scratch to my hearts content.
Today I had direct eye contact with this young man of about 25-30 years of age and off he went scratching then adjusting and I so wanted to scream at him “Ewww you dirty, dirty man” instead I kept direct eye contact with him and scowled. He kept scratching and adjusting and kept walking like what he was doing was perfectly natural. Like WTF???
I believe that no man with “proper” breeding does this and fellas I’m not tarnishing you all with the same brush. But my point is why do you do it? Is it not bad manners? Do you have crabs? Thrush? Eczema? Jock Itch? Fungal disease? What? What is it?
If I ever have a son I can tell you now that he will be taught from a very early age that the little sausage he has dangling in-between his legs is HIS for life. It will be his favourite toy and his best friend, his sausage will bring him so much joy and pleasure and when he is at home he can pull, tug, scratch, adjust, tie it in a knot, do whatever he wants to do with it as much as he wants but when in public it remains nicely concealed in his pants and not for general viewing!
My point is there is a time and a place for everything and scratching, adjusting, tugging in public is a serious turn off for us women, its disgusting, its an eye sore and one that I do not want to have to endure watching!
Why is there a double standard? Why do we let men get away with doing this whilst we women behave non barbaric?
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