Sitting on the sofa with the husband last night I saw lightning appear from the corner of my eye. For a split second I thought that it was actual lightning but then I realised that my eye and head were preparing me for what was about to ensue.
I looked at the husband and said to him: “A migraine is coming”. I am a migraine sufferer and thankfully I really only get 2-3 hits per year, but it was coming and there was nothing I could really do until it hit me.
I’ve investigated and researched migraines intensively and as useful as the information is I know that for me what works best is to basically sit and wait until it hits me badly, tuck myself to bed, wrap a scarf around my head and eyes and go to bed.
I don’t bother taking pain relief until it hits me. That may not be the right thing to do and that may be not what other migraine sufferers do but its what works for me.
20 minutes into seeing the lightning which was almost permanently etched on my left eye ball I got the worst pain at the base of my head and thought shit this one is going to be a killer.
I slowly dragged myself to bed and my gorgeous husband tucked me into bed and turned all the lights off and had a glass of water on my nightstand, as he knows that I need to be hydrated. I lay my head on my pillows and waited patiently for the huge wave of nausea to come and then the real aching of eyeball, temple and head to visit.
As I lay in the dark I realized that I hadn’t wrapped my head but couldn’t find the words or the energy to yell out of the husband so I decided that if I rocked myself slowly it may lull me into sleep and hopefully I could sleep the migraine off.
Sleep finally came and all was going OK until a friend decided to send me text message at 11.30pm. I woke up startled and was ready to just burst into tears! I had finally gotten myself to sleep and now had been awoken by a text message! Dear friend I could have killed you had you been in front of me at the time.
The husband came to bed and handed me my migraine pain relief and I gladly and appreciatively took it and waited again. And waited, and waited. I got so inpatient and as the pain relief felt like it was taking too long to work. It was most likely only 5 minutes had passed but if you are a migraine sufferer then you know that 5 minutes in migraine hell feels like a blasted lifetime!
I don’t know how long it took but there is no better feeling once this medication starts to work. I felt my entire body just relax, as I was so clenched and tight from the pain. It felt like when you are about to go under for a general anaesthetic. I felt this liquid warmth slowly seep through my body and felt the tingling from my toes slowly moving up to my knees, then to my tummy, then to my chest, my arms and then my head and then…nothingness, total and utter blackness and a beautiful, beautiful sleep.
I awoke this morning feeling 80% better and decided that I was not going into work. Thankfully my work has seen me fall to pieces when a migraine has hit me at work so they know that when I say “I’m not coming in today I have a migraine” they know that there is no exaggeration or fabrication of the facts. They know when DH has a migraine I am incapable of functioning. Thankfully my delightful husband took over and rang my work and explained what was going.
So here I lay on the sofa, laptop in my lap and slowly feeling that I am getting better. I hate people who feel sorry for themselves but the only time I feel for people whingeing of pain are when people complain of migraines. It’s the worst type of pain I have personally experienced and I so feel sorry for my fellow migraine sufferers.
With that I am not going to move form this sofa and continue resting.
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