But alas some dear friends of ours needed to come over to pick up some paperwork which saw me waking up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday and do a massive clean up of the house! Just as I sat down to rest our friends had shown up. Love their company, love having a laugh with them, love having people over but today I just could not find my spark and my va-voom.
Its rather embarrassing for me when I feel so flat and just have no motivation or drive to entertain. Thankfully our friends were also in the same kind of funk so it ended up not being such a bad day with them.
Its ace to see our friends finally settled and married after being together for 8 years. It was gorgeous to see them one week post their wedding so happy and relaxed and so in love. During the evening it took me back to when The Husband and I were so in love and so GA-GA and all over one another. Don't get me wrong I love my husband more today than I did yesterday and we are the type of mushy couple that I used to detest as we are all over each other constantly. But today seeing our friends really put a smile on my face. Its like finally there is look of complete and utter love, complete and utter comfort with one another and a sense of safety between them. It was so nice to see.
I'm just so saddened to see some of my other friends who are either married, or in a de-facto relationship or dating who seem to be in their relationships just for the sake of being in one rather than being alone. I could go on about this but that's another blog entry in itself!
Which brings me to once upon a time when I was single and hadn't met my husband how I used to loathe the couples who were always mushy, mushy, kissy, kissy all the time. Sadly I have become one of them! Which, to me, is just so damn hilarious! I never in a million years thought that I would end up with a man who would organically make me something I despised!
Its funny how love can do such amazing and weird things to you. I used to be so closed off to love and romance and was never interested in settling down and marrying "the one". I always believed, and I say this with hand on heart, that there was no such think as Mr Right or The One. I was always a believer, a firm believer of "Mr Right-Now".
But alas I met a man who blew my mind and before you could blink I was dressed in white, walking down a church aisle and declaring to the world how much I loved him and I was his and he was mine.
Funny how the things you think will never happen to you, or things that you don't want to happen to you do. Ive realised that the saying "never say never" is so true!
There is nothing better in the world for me than going to bed each and every night and having my husband snuggle up close with me. Since I met him I have never felt more loved, needed, respected and idolised and there is no better feeling in the world.
So tonight I hope you all snuggle up to your loved one and you tell them how much you love them, because like the mighty Beatles once sang: "All you need is love". If you have no love in your life then there is no life to live! And I am not talking about love as in two people falling in love and being in love I'm talking any kind of love, whether it be the love your parent gives you, the love your pet gives you. Any sort of love!
I sign off singing The Beatles: "All you need is love"...
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