I am a 40-year-old woman who can’t use chopsticks! It has been one of the “things I gotta do before I die”. Stupid huh? I have a list that I keep that I write things or goals that I want to attain before I die. Funnily enough I think I add things onto this list almost monthly. There is so much I want to do, try, taste, feel, experience and see.
There are times when I think it’s all too hard, it’s all unattainable, and I will never get to do or experience all this stuff. You know the typical negative talk one can sometimes tell themselves.I am usually a pretty positive person, yes I am the type of person who thinks and says that the glass is half full but at times I can hone into the negative and sort of stay in that headspace for a bit. Hey I’m human and I have my annoying and negative moments. Don’t we all?
Anyways back to the chopsticks. I have always wanted to be able to eat with and use chopsticks. It has been one of my life long dreams. Look I know it sounds silly as I guess some people who call jumping out of a plane a life long ambition yet here I am wanting to learn how to use chopsticks! I’m a simple gal.
What is ironic and rather funny though is that I actually have a collection of chopsticks and I have been collecting them for years and years and years. Every time a friend is travelling to Asia I always ask for chopsticks!
Chopsticks are my secret obsession and when I am home alone I tend to pull a pair out and try to use them. Try being the operative word! I tend to fail and fail dismally! Which rather than have me angry or frustrated I tend to laugh my head off at how bad I am. I have this tendency of stabbing at my food and almost eating my vegetables and meat like it’s a spear and with rice I tend to just lick the rice off the chopsticks. I kinda look a tad "primal" if you know what I mean. Which takes me hours, and I mean hours to finish my meal.
I remember a few years back when I went to an amazing Chinese restaurant (which the name escapes me at the moment) but the food was authentic street style Chinese food. The restaurant was so authentic that the waiters and waitresses didn’t speak a word of English and the menu was all in Chinese.
Our food came out and oh my God it was the most amazing food and there were no knives and forks on the table only chopsticks. I had to ask our waitress for a fork and she looked at me initially trying to comprehend what I was asking her for. Once we sort of got through the language barrier and she realised that I wanted a fork she burst out laughing! It was a very funny moment for all I have to admit with me bursting into laughter! That moment though was when I told myself that before I die I have to learn how to use chopsticks.
So today whilst shopping for some coffee cups at a local home wares store there in front of me at the counter were kiddie chopsticks so I just had to purchase a pair. I thought lets do this DH, it’s on your list of things you want to do and achieve and there is no time like the present!
I can’t wait to use them and train myself up to able to use real chopsticks and to finally go to a Chinese restaurant and confidently use the chopsticks! I think tonight I am just going to have to cook some Chinese food for dinner and see how I go.
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