I was looking through some recent photos of myself this morning and like most women I became extremely judgemental on how I looked, how fat I looked, how bad my hair looked and so forth. I'm sure you have all had those moments in your life when you see yourself and just scream out YUK!
I know I'm not alone and I know that every single woman that I am friends with has suffered those awful moments. My entire life I have always looked at photos of myself and nit picked the shit out of myself but today showed me something that I had feared would one day happen to me. I gasped with horror when I saw what was staring back at me. Saggy boobs! Yes saggy boobs! Some people call them boobs, but they are also known as breasts, tits, breasticles, boobies, puppies, jugs, titties, bee stings and so forth, you hopefully get my gist!
My breasts used to stand perky and upright and always what bought me the most amount of attention but alas turning 40 has seen my puppies turn into dogs! I then stood naked in front of a mirror thinking or trying to persuade and convince myself that it was just a bad photo. OK a series of bad photos then. Unfortunately the mirror never lies dear readers, oh no the mirror tells you the truth, the honest truth.
I’ve turned 40 and it feels like it’s all downwards from here on in. My boobs are so saggy I reckon that I could tuck my boobs into my boots if I tried! What’s going to happen to me if I ever have children and I breastfeed? Oh Lord I just don't want to go there!
But alas even though I have seen the evil revenge of age and gravity I have to sit back and laugh as if I don't laugh I will have to cry and I don't believe in wasted tears. I have two options I either have them surgically lifted or appreciate that I have 2 boobs and live with them, sags and all!
I choose living with it!
I LOVE saggy breasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE!