I have never had any interest whatsoever with anything horticultural. I have never had a green thumb, I have never been drawn to gardens, plants, growing my own vegetables nothing!My parents usually do our gardening and The Husband and I gratefully allow them to do what they want at our place. When I look at weeds they look like just bushy greenery to me. When my mum has pointed out a huge weed I look at her dumbfounded because to me they look like plants or foliage, and they look pretty. Is that bad? Is it bad that I think weeds look pretty?
The Husband too is oblivious to anything “garden” like. He has never mowed the lawn at our place, as he has no interest whatsoever. Once my parents pass away I am sure that we will be paying a gardener to do what ever needs to be done. Aren’t we just sad? Aren’t we just pathetic? I guess we are your typical Generation X. I’m not upset that we have no interest in gardening I actually think its rather funny. Then again I am sure that we are good at doing other stuff, which hopefully compensates for things!
Having said all that, last weekend I was chatting to a friend who was talking about growing her own tomatoes. Brandy told me that last weekend was the ideal time to start planting for tomatoes. As our conversation went on something in my head told me that I should give it a go as well. I asked The Husband what he thought and he was extremely encouraging. I personally think that deep down he was rather chuffed to be doing something so “domesticated”.
So today we both had days off work and we headed off to our local nursery nice and early. We purchased two types of tomato plants, a La Roma plant and a Sugar Snack plant, along with some potting mixture and some pot plants. Which had me and still has me rather perplexed, as I didn’t think that there were so many varieties. Why we chose these two? Well to be honest with you it was what was in front of us! It was also raining and my hair was getting flat and frizzy and after spending 45 minutes this morning beautifying myself I wanted to get out of the rain fast!
As we walked back to our car with our hands full of garden supplies my dear husband stood at the back of the car sort of frozen. I asked him what was wrong and he said, “My last vestiges of single hood have gone”. I wanted to scream out in laughter but thought now come on DH a bit of maturity is needed here. Internally though I was in hysterics!
In all seriousness though The Husband made a very valid point! We are adults but we are extremely childlike at the same time. I sometimes think that I am still single which is a bad habit and a hard habit to break! When you are so used to being on your own and doing your own thing and doing the typical “city girl/single chick” stuff it’s a bit freakish when we do things like buying tomato plants and potting mix! Can you see where we are both coming from?
We are both happy to plod along in life and be big kids and something so simple as buying garden supplies is a massive step and change for the both of us. We are becoming “mature” and doing what we what once upon a time would have called mundane and boring I personally am so excited.
I intend to spend the rest of my afternoon researching how to grown your own tomatoes as I need to know the how’s, the why’s and the when’s. I need to know what maintenance I have to do for my plants.
I endeavour to post photos in a few weeks time once my plants start to grow! Wish me luck!
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