Oh my God what a day! I was up bright and early and from the second I have been up I have been running around like a headless chook! From the second I got to work I locked myself in the back office and worked through my morning tea break, I worked through my lunch break and I worked through my afternoon break.
The second I put my handbag down I was unpacking boxes, cleaning the office and then I sat down and powered through my desk which was piled high paperwork. There were so many loose ends that needed my desperate attention. I remember going to the bathroom twice and to the water cooler for a few glasses of water. Before I knew it was 5pm and I screamed out a goodbye to all, grabbed my car keys and handbag and ran out of the building running as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove home like a maniac.
The second I got home I was stripping my work uniform off whilst yelling out a hello to The Husband! I kissed him a hello and goodbye grabbed my environmentally friendly shopping bags and ran straight out the door juggling handbag, keys, shopping bags and trying to put my coat on.
It’s now just after 8.30pm and I have put all the groceries away, had a shower and I am chowing down to dinner whilst I write tonight’s blog entry! To say that I am running on adrenalin would be an understatement! There is so much to do and I feel like there are just not enough hours in a day! I am jumping from here to there, doing one thing and then starting the next.
I have become Wonder Woman and I am lightening fast but even Wonder Woman needs to eventually sit down and relax...well for just a little bit!
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