I don’t know what came over me this morning but after dropping the husband off at the train station I raced back home so I could get ready for work. I put the TV on MTV and I started dancing around like a maniac whilst getting ready for work. Picture Tom Cruise in that renowned Risky Business scene when he slides across the hallway in his underwear singing into his microphone and dancing. Well that was me this morning in my bra and panties and socks.
As I thrashed around the hallway engulfed in a ball of happiness and a bundle of energy I was in total and utter bliss and feeling crazy happy. I then walked into my bathroom where I raised my arms up and then crack I was frozen in that position. I thought “Oh dear I can’t move, I’m home alone and I physically cannot call anyone to come and help me.”
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror staring at my reflection and trying to think fast on my feet. I had to turn my entire body around and look around my bathroom to try and work out how and where I could sit down. I slowly took tiny steps towards the end of the bathtub and ever so slowly sat my body down on it.
It was so cold this morning and our home was like an iceblock so after I had rested for a few moments I slowly walked towards our heating panel and with my nose slid the on button and then walked into our living room area and sat myself down. Within a few minutes, but what really felt like an eternity, I started to get movement back in my arms and they slowly lowered them.
I eventually, but ever so slowly, got dressed and headed to work. How I drove to work with the stiffest neck and shoulders without crashing my car is a divine miracle! I slowly lifted my body out of the car and sat wincing in pain for the first few hours of my workday. Thankfully it was a quiet day and I must admit I spent the majority of my day in a seated position not doing any work. I thought if the bosses catch me I really couldn’t give a wank because my pain was that overbearing and all consuming.
To make matters worse I had an appointment with my dentist. Visiting the dentist usually doesn’t phase me I’m fearless and I can usually tolerate her hissing drill but I thought “DH, how the hell are you going to get back into your car drive for an hour and get to the dentist in one piece and without causing a possible massive car accident?” I got into the car and drove ever so carefully and slowly and literally having to turn my entire body from the waist to look over my shoulder.
I made it in one piece to the dentist and then when she sat me back down in the chair I accidentally let out the loudest groan you could think of. The lovely dentist asked me whether we should reschedule for another time but I was insistent that she finish my root canal.
So here I am lying in a dental chair in sheer neck and shoulder agony, I have a piece of rubber shoved on my face and cant swallow properly, cant speak, and the lovely Dr Julia tells me “DH we have a problem with your root canal, it seems that you have an extra canal hence why you have been experiencing so much grief with this tooth” As soon as I got that bit of exciting news I was ready to rip off this rubber thing that was on my face, tear the paper bib off, throw my sunglasses and hobble out whilst throwing a tantrum! Instead I tried to speak which had me choking on my own saliva, and then having a coughing fit, which in turn jarred my neck and shoulder region!
When I was eventually freed from the dental chair I hobbled into the dentists bathroom and wiped away my tears of frustration, pain and anger. I was in so much pain that it literally consumed me. I collected myself and went on my merry way and got back to my work desk where I literally sat there in a zombified state and counting the minutes until I could go home and rest.
My entire day had me asking myself why on earth I did such a stupid thing by dancing around like a freak first thing in the morning! You would think that being happy and jovial in the morning would not turn out to be such a health hazard!
Anyway’s I’m home now and relaxing! Tomorrow is another day and I can assure you I won’t be waking up and dancing and singing straight up! I might give it a few hours and then let it rip! LOL!!
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