Being as exhausted as I was yesterday (and not to forget the last couple of weeks) I should have gone to bed early rather than read Tori Spelling’s Mommyworld basically from cover to cover in one sitting. I was never really a 90210 fan, nor was I ever a fan of Tori Spelling. In my mind he was just a spoilt rich girl whose daddy made her famous by putting her on his TV show. That’s all I ever thought.
A year or so ago though whilst channel surfing one boring weekend I came across her reality series “Tori & Dean Home Sweet Hollywood” and I cant quite remember what she said or did in this episode but I remember distinctly laughing out aloud at the TV screen. I ended up watching the series and I have to say this woman is completely and utterly not how I expected her to be.
I fell in love with this reality show and made sure I would watch each episode as it aired. I was amazed that she has a brain, has an opinion, and is do darn funny. I became a Tori Spelling fan!
So I lay in bed last night and read her book and became an even bigger fan! Now when I say fan I should elaborate. If Tori was to come to Australia for a book signing I honestly wouldn’t show up to it and I wouldn’t gush “I love you Tori” but I’m more of fan who sits back and thinks “you are too fucking cool Ms Tori Spelling”
I loved this book and I loved the fact that Tori expressed a couple of times in her book that her parents where mega super doper rich but she had to work to keep her kids in school, to pay the bills and to basically survive. Tori also doesn’t hide her neurosis which we ALL have, she was upfront and honest about things and it made me relate to her. She talked about trying to adapt to being a step mum and the love she has for all her 3 children was just lush! Tori is a real person in La-La Land and for me that was like a breath of fresh air!
If you can get your hands on a copy of this book I highly recommend you taking a read. It’s a light read but rather funny and entertaining.
P.S – her mother Candy Spelling sounds like an uptight bitch who needs to use a vibrator to help her relax and to start enjoying her beautiful grandchildren!
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