The Croc shoe phenomena hit us a few years back and every man and his dog were out buying them. I admit that I too purchased a pair and found them to be the most ugly, uncomfortable, slippery, smelly shoes!
I think I wore them a handful of times around my home and then offered them to my mum. I thought that she would take one look at them and go YUK instead she has worn them and she loves them. I question her time and time again as to why she loves them so much and she always states that for her they are comfortable. I gasp in horror as I thought my mum had more pizazz than that and I learnt my fashion sense from her. Am I going to end up like her in 30 years time? Oh Lord above NO!!!!
Today I saw a man wearing them with socks and I looked at him and his feet and thought “What on earth possessed you to wear these shoes with socks out in public?” I think they have to be the most ugly things every created! My brother in law is a fan of them as well and when he has walked past me wearing them I seriously want to scream at him: “What the fuck are those??” But being that Nick is a very sensitive man who feels very intimidated by me I choose not to say anything. I mean think about it, I intimidate the guy by me asking him (or screaming) at him I think he may cower in the corner and cry and rock in the foetal position.
If I am offending anyone who owns them, wears them, and likes them then I apologise profusely for dissing these things they call shoes, but would love to hear as to why YOU wear them. I can’t see any real function to them and in my eyes they are a health hazard! I say health hazard as I personally found them so slippery and experiencing slipping and sliding so much that I ended up on my arse!
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