Well we missed out on the house of our dreams but you know I am ok with it. I should add the word finally though! I was so sad and really felt just sheer deflation but after many, many hours of chatting with The Husband we have come up with a better and new solution.
So we have the money all sorted from the bank and now its time for major renovations in our home! I am chuffed and really, really excited to be making plans for this home. Sadly our creepy neighbour is still harassing the local council to build and it will affect us but then I figure if he can build a huge house in his backyard then who can stop The Husband and I from adding an extra storey on our home?
I must say though it was such a stressful morning though as The Husband and I had to race to the bank and do a lot of arse kissing and grovelling and say, “pretty please can we have some money?” It was scary and I think I was almost ready to vomit on the poor manager’s desk out of sheer nerves and anxiety.
I was so scared of banks and bank managers. I almost have anxiety attacks when I step into a bank even when I do the banking for work on the odd occasion I literally hold my breath in sheer and utter terror. This morning whilst The Husband was having a cigarette before we went into the bank I stood almost frozen on the spot outside. I found myself holding my breath again and feeling so very light headed and ready to pass out.
As soon as we sat down in the waiting area I started to actually relax a little bit and then we met our bank managers Liz and Alan. They guided us into their little office and as soon as they shut the door I started to feel claustrophobic. I wanted to just turn around and run and not stop running nor look back!
Our bank managers were lovely though! I could not have asked for better people to look after us. They were both so patient and understanding and they actually heard us out. Liz especially could tell that there were times when I was a tad (that’s such a lie as it wasn’t a tad) confused, unsure and perplexed. She took her time and made sure both of us understood her and her banking jargon. What I loved the most was that Liz & Alan were looking out for OUR best interests!
They didn’t want to lend us hundreds of thousands yet they wanted to help us succeed and get ahead in life. The Husband and I have so many setbacks in our lives and I think they could sense that.
We were given a break for once in our lives and for that I am forever grateful to them both. I was always wary of banks in general but after today my opinion has totally changed.I cant wait to finally see the money in our bank account and start to really re-do our home! I think I need to dance around the house a little bit! Its been such a long time since I have truly been this happy, in fact the last time I was this ecstatic was on my wedding day!
I love life and like they say everything happen for a reason! One door opens and another closes! And without a doubt Bank Managers aren’t that scary!
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