Yes its been a few days but I have been so highly strung as so much is going on in my life at the moment.
Where do I begin? Okay, The Husband and I live in a pretty posh “old money” type of neighbourhood. Sadly our home is not exactly posh I would say its just an everyday average home with absolutely nothing spectacular to it but its our home. I decorated this house with so much love and passion and turned it from a house into our home. We both love this area and the fact that we have everything close to us but alas I am not happy in here anymore.
We are having serious issues with one of neighbours who wants to build another townhouse in his backyard and we initially objected to the matter. Our cries for justice were heard and he was told by our local council that the matter was rejected and the issue was done and dusted. Or so we thought and believed!
We received a letter from his representatives telling us that they were applying again and he was going to be taking the matter further. To cut a very long and tedious story short The Husband and I need to write further letters to VCAT explaining why we object and we may need to go to mediation and or a court hearing.
When I heard the news I was ready to burst into tears and felt so deflated and angry. I have lived in my home for over 10 years and now I was almost being bullied out of here all because some demanding neighbour is not giving up.
So The Husband and I sat down and decided that we would fight this yet I am so deflated that I almost feel like giving up. I spoke to The Husband and told him that I was over this neighbourhood and I wanted out. I expressed a few other concerns and told my lovely man that I was not happy in our home anymore.
We went online and found a few houses that we liked the look of and on Sunday we went out for a drive. We drove past the first house and both of us let out a YUK then moved onto the second one. By some fluke the house was open for inspection and we were lucky enough to go into the home and take a look around.
I was gob smacked and fell in love instantly. I whispered to The Husband that this was it. I wanted this house. The reaction I got from him was one that I was not expecting. He told me that he too loved it and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together in it. Well I almost burst into tears as we actually agreed on everything about the house.
We told the estate agent that we liked the home very much but it was early days for us as we hadn’t even spoken to our bank nor had we discussed what we were going to do with our current home! They took our details and for the past 48 hours they have hounded us to make an offer as the house needs to be sold immediately and they must present all offers to the current owners by tomorrow night at 6.30pm.
I, in the meantime have arranged an appointment with our bank for this Friday morning and on the hour almost every hour we are receiving telephone calls and emails from the real estate agents.
I am filled with anxiety and stress and worry yet I have this weird feeling of assurance underneath. Its strange I have a wave of fear, anxiety and worry that we are going to miss out on this home and the bank is not going to give us the money we need and require and then something tells me its all going to be ok.
This is going to be a hard stressful week and I just hope come Friday that I have nothing but good news for us.
Please readers, if I have any (LOL), please say a little prayer for us and here’s hoping that The Husband and mine dreams come true!
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