It was a busy Monday like it always is everywhere and for everyone but today had me laughing and chuckling to myself. I was swamped with a desk pile high full of paperwork and my boss popped out of his office to ask me why I hadn’t painted the wall yet. At first I chuckled thinking he was joking but his face wasn’t indicating joking or laughter. He stated that he had left the can of paint near my desk on Wednesday, as he wanted me to paint the wall behind me. My initial reaction was sheer and utter disbelief and then I got very angry but internalised it.I told him that how was I supposed to know what he wanted me to do if he hadn’t told me. I think he said that he had told me but for the life of me I couldn’t remember having this conversation nor recalling being asked to paint.
Does being a painter fit my job description? The answer to that would be NO. I didn’t know whether I should hurl some verbal abuse at him and walk out, or to continue arguing with him or whether I should just paint. I decided that I would just paint the blasted wall and make the most of it.
I was in mood for an argument and by the looks of things he seemed to be in a mood that wanted an argument. I felt like he was baiting me all day long and knowing my boss the way I do he has this tendency of throwing his emotional bullshit onto me and expecting me to take it and to bite back and have an argument. For once though I thought to myself “You know what DH? You need not argue with him, if this is what he wants you to do then just do it” and that’s is exactly what I did.
I climbed the ladder grabbed the paint tin and brush and painted the wall as he requested me to. I giggled whilst I did it as I found this request totally bizarre and left of centre and if I didn’t laugh I think I would have tipped the entire contents of the paint onto his head!
I am the only worker in our building that is expected to do everything and this just proves my point. I could ring my union and put a complaint in but there is no point, there really and truly is no point. I am just going to keep doing as I am told until the right time comes when I can walk away.
Even now as I sit and write this entry I am chuckling to myself at what a bizarre request was made! So if anyone needs any painting done just drop me an email. I need the extra cash and I apparently did a great job!
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