Sunday, August 22, 2010

Toddlers and Tiaras!

The Husband was working today and how I hate the fact that he has to work weekends but what can one do? The bills need to be paid and I need to be in a constant supply of shoes and handbags! So with the fact that I was home I alone I decided to take a rest from doing the housework and sat myself down with cup of tea to watch some television. Well on a Sunday morning there was nothing entertaining on so I was sort of forced to watch a show called Toddlers & Tiaras. I had never seen it before so I thought what the hell what’s half an hour of numb brain teli!

Well numb brain it wasn’t! Oh my Lord! What a vile piece of “entertainment” I was absolutely disgusted but yet I could not bring myself to change the channel, as I could not believe my eyes or my ears. Now this Pageant thing I believe is a very American type of activity. I have never seen anything like this in Australia and let me tell you if it did exist in Australia I could tell you now that I would be writing complaint letters not only to these pageant associations but also to my local Member of Parliament and to The Prime Minister of Australia. Why am I being so extreme about a Children’s Pageant? Because after seeing what I saw and what I heard I have to say that this is nothing but a form of child exploitation, child abuse and child pornography.

Anyways, I sat back and watched little girls aged between 1-12 being thrown into these pageants and sat back in sheer horror. I cannot blame these little girls, as they are being pushed and guided by so-called adults. You would think that as a parent and as an adult you would guide your child down a path of goodness and well being rather than exploiting your child not for their sake but for your own bizarre, selfish self.

What I saw were little girls wearing the skimpiest outfits looking like adult female strippers. Let me add I have no problem with what strippers do. Power to them and I applaud them for having the balls to get up there and do it and be paid handsomely for it. But an adult has a voice and I believe that strippers are astute businesswomen. Today’s TV viewing left me feeling disturbed as a little girl does not have the voice to say I am not doing that, or I don’t want to do that, or tell their mother's that they are not comfortable doing this.

How can a child between the ages of 1-12 know what is morally acceptable? They don’t, that’s what parents are for. To teach their child what is right and what is wrong and hope that they then have the brains and knowledge to continue on a good path.

As I sat there watching this show I could not find anything cute, sweet or innocent about it whatsoever. I watched parents teach children to be competitive. To be so competitive that winning is the only goal and the child’s only option. How is that healthy? It was almost like if you are a winner then you are the greatest but if you are a loser then you are nothing but a disappointment! Losing was not an option for these children. I was raised, and I am sure you too were raised, with the attitude and belief that you win some and you lose some. It’s all part of the game. I learnt not to be bitter when I lost in a sport or a game but it pushed me to try harder next time and if I kept losing (which I did a lot of times) it didn’t really faze me. It was never about winning it was always about having fun.

I saw Pageant Judges who stated that they decided on a winner by going by the total package. Now that’s a joke right? These little girls are parading around in a ton of makeup and skimpy stripper clothes and that’s judging someone as a total package? Are you people seriously normal in the brain? These parents dress their daughters up as sluts and yet they cant see anything wrong with doing so? Yet they go to church every Sunday and praise the Lord? They all claim they are conservative? I think they are a bunch of hillbillies that need to stop spending their money on this pageant bullshit and go buy themselves some teeth! Yes I’m being nasty but can you blame me? Can you not see that a 10-year dressed and dancing like a stripper is not a healthy thing?

Then there were little girls being judged on “Beautiful Face”. How can you judge that? How cruel is that? Imagine being judged on your face? It was heartbreaking as these little girls were all beautiful in their own special way. Are they setting up the future of their America to have self image issues? To hate themselves because they weren’t beautiful and they were losers who didn’t win anything in a pageant?

Then this one mother was having a passive aggressive conversation come argument with her 3 year old telling her child that she had to have a spray tan because and if I may quote her:

Mommy -“You can’t go out there looking white when everyone else is dark, we have to have dark, dark tans so we can be like the other girls”

3 year olds response: “ I don’t want to do it mommy”.

Mommy: “Well you have to!”

Then they showed the said 3 year old throwing a massive tantrum (and who can blame the kid). Then they cut back to the Mommy who said that her daughter doesn’t mind having a spray tan in fact she really likes it. Umm hello? Your daughter was just throwing a tantrum, kicking screaming and biting a second ago have you completely lost your fucking mind?

Then they were showing other mothers of pageant children who were being so rude about other little children. Saying things like she isn’t that beautiful, why didn’t my little Sarah Jane win? How fucking deplorable! A lot of the mothers that were interviewed all said the same thing that this Pageant bullshit was their hobby. Its THEIR hobby its not the child’s and its not in the child’s best interest either can they not see that?

Then a mother was asking her 3 year old – “Do you have a skinny belly or a fat belly or a chunky belly?" So now along with the therapist that this young woman is going to eventually need she will also most likely have an eating disorder to boot! These mothers are Psycho mums and I find it unfair that they are parents when there are thousands of woman out there who cannot have children and would make much better mothers.

They interviewed a Father of a 5 year old and his line of “ Its fine by me as long as its tasteful” and he is staring at his 5 year old in her swimsuit jiggling her booty around and blowing kisses. Hey dickhead do you see what your daughter is doing? Do you think that’s tasteful do you? You perverted stupid waste of a human being!

You need a licence to drive a car, in Australia you need a license to own a gun but why are we not made to have licenses to have a child? I can tell you now if I ever have a 3 year old she will never and I mean NEVER wear clothes, tan, makeup, fake eyelashes and acrylic nails EVER. When she is adult enough I will allow her to do as she pleases but not at 3 years of age. I want my 3 year old to be just that a 3 year old.

Shame on you America for allowing this sort of paedophilic shit to go down. I am truly and utterly disgusted! God Bless America and God help these Pageant Freaks!



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