Saturday, August 28, 2010

Facebook Cull – To delete or not to delete?

I’ve been a Facebook junkie for a few years now and along the way have reconnected with old friends, found family members who have relocated overseas, caught up with my current group of friends and work colleagues.

I used to love catching up with everyone’s news. Seeing their photos, laughing at their funny statuses yet at the same time I have sort of been left feeling that I am snooping in their person lives. Why do we tend to tell the world so much? Why do we Facebook everything? I also feel that Facebook has become a page where everyone tends to brag about things that they have purchased? Its weird to me. I tend to have more friends write on my Facebook wall to say hi rather than ringing me up and saying HI. Is this what the world has come to? A life of no longer communicating using the telephone or meeting up with a friend face to face.

I’ve noticed lately that a lot of these “friends” tend to come across so negative and so bitter and it’s bringing me down severely. What have we come to where the only thing that we “report” on is something negative, bad and miserable?

Then there are the other friends who feel the need to comment on everything that you have to state and have to better you. For example I would say something like “So freezing and windy in Melbourne” and the said type of people have to bigger themselves and better you by replying with “Well not as cold as it is in Ballarat, you need to move to where I live to really say you are cold” I know its petty what I am describing but it gets so tiresome as it’s the same bullshit over and over again. Then I am made to feel like what I have to say is pointless to you.

Then there is the type of situation where one might say “Geez I feel so sick this cold is killing me” and the response is “Well I’m so sick I had to have a week off work” I want to scream “Did I ask you? This is about ME not about YOU! Facebook freaks have become so self absorbed and so narcissistic and I’m over it.

It also seems, well it’s blatantly obvious that I have a Facebook stalker. We shall call her Mary. Everything I say or do she has to comment, she has to compete and be better than me when I mention something and if I post a photo then within hours she too posts a similar photo.

A usual occurrence in The Dishevelled Happiness household is I will write something on Facebook and within minutes The Husband will look over at me and mention that my serial stalker pest Mary has replied to my post and focused it all on her. It infuriates The Husband so much that he gets very vocal about it and he sometimes goes onto my Facebook page and deletes her reply immediately. I always tell The Husband to just ignore her and it will hopefully go away but it actually never does!

I’m starting to feel that Mary is a tad obsessed with my life and me and she is harmless but it’s becoming very annoying and I want to cull her and a few other people but its finding the courage to do so I guess.

Once upon a time everyone was upbeat and happy on Facebook but now everyone just seems to be boring, negative, abusive and dull. Here I was thinking that I was the only one thinking like this and maybe I was over analysing things but funnily enough a few of my other friends, family and co-workers have all said the exact same thing.

I really want to pluck the courage and start culling these people but at the same time I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I am usually very upfront and matter of fact about things yet I’m feeling gutless about actually doing this. So I guess I am being a hypocrite about the whole thing.

So I’m left pondering to delete or not to delete?



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